29 June 2006

June 29th - Show 112 - Podcast 25

The One With Jeff Daniels 2

Lee's back from holiday and that's a good job otherwise he would've missed, arguably, our most important show ever (so far).

There really is no better time to subscribe to our podcasts...that way, you'll never miss a thing!

Click here to subscribe for FREE!

Do you know something...? I'm sure I know these two from somewhere...

We spend the early part of the show welcoming our new listeners and explaining exactly what The Snug is all about...it ain't easy! Thanks to everyone new who stayed for the whole 2 hours...that takes some fortitude :)

I'll be honest with you, we had such a buzzing time that I can't remember what went on. (no, nothing to do with the cider) We spend a lot of time giving shout outs to our newest members of the Snug family and seem to dance spritely from topic to topic, even bursting into 'Start Wearing Purple' by Gogol Bordello at one point.

The Jeff interview comes in at around 40 minutes, so that's a nice chunk of the show filled. I will be releasing the interview in it's own self contained show, for those of you who don't want the other hour and twenty minutes of nonsense wrapped round it. It's official! Jeff Daniels is a Friend Of The Snug! Here's a small selection of his stuff from Amazon...!

Gaijin A Go-Go let us have a copy of their new album to give away in our
new cunningly titled competition 'Send us an email, you bastards!' - Just go to the Gaijin A Go-Go site and
tell us how much they are selling their new album (Go-Go Bootcamp) for.

All the correct answers will go in 'the hat' and we'll draw a winner in July So this is your last chance!

We were so busy we never even got round to this weeks...

tolen from Digg
Some of the Coolest adverts around
The King of 'Nigerian Scammer' Scammers!!
You know next time your car gets dirty...?
Cool Lightning Photos
A Whole Host Of Ice cream van tunes...for your mobile?

The Other Competition
Hop on over to the website now and enter our music quiz for a chance to win a customised 'Whats My Drink.Com' mug.
All you need to do is listen to the snippets and send us the song titles and artists
Two Competitions!!?? running at the same time!!?? God! We're spoiling you.

This is True
Not this week it's not!

Music tonight:
Recreational Vehicle - Jeff Daniels

Hari-karaoke: ?

Don't forget to visit
http://snugfans.blogspot.com/ for a run down of what really happened this show and see what the girls thought of it.

Also, Please tell your friends if you've enjoyed the show and spread the word.

Have a good week!

1 comment:

Fans of Snug said...

Great blog this week Maf, well worth the wait...
both Fluff and I will be doing the blog again this week...
Probably Monday-ish for me.

I want to say again great job on the interview! I enjoyed it!
T x