31 October 2005

Due to ghosts and goblins in my computer I have yet to hear the whole Snug Halloween special.
I missed bits during the live show and have not been able to open the zipped file from The Snug web site. I am listening to the repeat right now but because it takes so long for my computer to do anything I've missed the first half hour!
So the blog for the Halloween show may come after this coming weeks live show...if there is a live show...Will Maf and Lee come back from the dead?
What happened to these brave souls?
Can't wait for the Blog, go download the show off their web site. After all just because my computer is a dinosaur doesn't mean you can't listen!

EDITED TO ADD November 6th------
Ok Fluffy Lamb makes a good point. The Halloween show is so fantastic and indescribable that you really need to list. Any reporting from me just can not do it justice. So go to snugradio.co.uk go to archives and download the Halloween show and have a listen!!!


Unknown said...

Well, the halloween special really needs to be listened too, no need for it to be blogged! ;o)

Unknown said...

That was me btw...

Fluffs xx