In this show:
Snug recording studio & Snug tanning salon in Derby…Maybe we started a trend all those years ago?
Hear Lee's (quite serious) view on 12 years a slave and my not so serious look at Arrow. Lee almost went to see Priscilla Queen of the Desert for Valentines after last shows discussion about 'We Belong'.
And so, onto The Book! (fanfare, exclamation point, bolded). For our 10th Anniversary (our Decennary) I am going to write, edit and publish a large format 'annual-style' looking back over the years. I've enlisted the help of Fluffy and Tamara and in this show, I introduce the notion to Lee. and am underwhelmed by his 'enthusiasm'. He is somewhat reluctant to do any writing (he lacks belief). We keep returning to The Book throughout the show as we reminisce about the 'good ole days'.
The 10th anniversary website update is still underway as lee wrestles with 'X, the unultimate wordpress plugin' (it's not 'ultimate', by the way) and along the way we dig up the page from 2004, when I was 'arrested by the FBI' in connect with the Fettuchini raid.I also re-discover how funny the Snugfans Blog used to be.
In the latter stages of the show we discuss my posh dinner at Seven, an amazing number of pigeon breeds, Roaries (or RAWries, if you prefer), a tiny bit of UW and cybersquatting .uk domains.
Hey, by the way…We're now available on Stitcher!!!
All this and more on the show…download it now!
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Snug Stats
Music This Show:
Hyemen and MetalFunkel - Paranoid
Petula Clarke - Downtown '76
Cover Version Sandwich: none
Harikaraoke: none
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That's Thursdays at 21:00 GMT!
See you then...have a Snuggly week.
This show is approx 1 hour 30 mins