The One With Some Edits
In tonights show:

Mafs Movie Marathon:
and The Final Destination
We start talking about Photoshop Disasters but get distracted and then we chat about Japans Election (make your own jokes here) and the girl held hostage for 18 years.
and The Final Destination
We start talking about Photoshop Disasters but get distracted and then we chat about Japans Election (make your own jokes here) and the girl held hostage for 18 years.
Compare both these sites for "Paint your pots" and let us know which you prefer
Lee's been to see Stevie Rix so here's a couple of vids for you.
CindyB gets us onto Name Generators
Plus a ton of other stuff
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Snug Stats
Music This Show:
Rob Cornier - Titties Bare
Elf T - In My Life
Elf Maf & Lee - Common People
Kerry Welsh - My Heart Will Go On
Harikaraoke: - End Of The Line
Mafs weighs: 17st 7lbs
Please join us every week, for all new shows
That's Thursdays at 21:00 BST every Week!
See you then...have a SNUGGLY week.
This show is approx 1 Hours 36 mins
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