11 July 2006

July 13th - Show 114 - Podcast 27

The One With POTC2

Pirates of the Caribbean 2 : We both saw this during the last week and agreed that on a scale of 1 to 10 (where A is unmissable and F is 'Howard The Duck') we give this a thumbs up. More adventury than the first with more buckles being swashed and loads of action. Mr Depp and the rest of the cast are top notch and the effects rock! Besides, it gives us more opportunity to say 'Argh!' more than usual!!
Avast Mateys, feast your eyes on this chest full of POTC booty!!

We invent the fatrosexual as a nice balance to the current epidemic of metrosexuals
and have a discussion about the general un-PC-ness of the 70's. It seems certain Canadian listeners feel we've moved a long way since then...Maf and Lee wonder which direction and whether it was the wrong one!!
we also discuss the merits of internet bomb making information as it relates to Mafs work

Welcome new listeners - Puppy & Kerry who made themselves known to us during the live show...Yaaay!

Which TV shows should our liberal Canadian download?? Our live audience came up with
Hustle, Supernatural, Lost, Life On Mars, Spooks & Doctor Who. Should you want to check them out legally, feel free to click on these amazon links (it helps pay for the a show)

Why not subscribe to our podcasts...that way, you'll never miss a thing! Click here to subscribe for FREE!

Gaijin A Go-Go let us have a copy of their new album to give away in our
new cunningly titled competition 'Send us an email, you bastards!' - Just go to the Gaijin A Go-Go site and
tell us how much they are selling their new album (Go-Go Bootcamp) for.

All the correct answers will go in 'the hat' and we'll try and get Gaijin A Go Go to draw a winner sometime in July!

Stolen from Digg

Monkeys playing pacman

The EFFs awkward questions for the entertainment industry
Alternative sudoku strategy
Instant Messengers Merge - About bloody time!!
Uk to 'ban' standby on electronic equipment

School textbooks in India have been censored, and "Historians should unite against this cowardly move" by the National Council of Educational Research and Training, said Calcutta historian Ashish Bose. "NCERT has committed a mistake by dropping those facts from the textbooks" under pressure from "Hindu fundamentalists." In India, it's not evolution vs. "creation science" but that ancient Hindus used to eat beef. The fact has been included in Indian history books for over a century, but NCERT, which is responsible for textbook editing, agreed to cut long-established information out of the textbooks after a multi-year campaign by offended religious fundamentalists "who have lodged a misinformation campaign," Bose said. (Toronto Star)

Music tonight:
Sandi Thom - I wish I was a punk rocker

Rob Storm - Under Pressure

Cinderella Rockafella - Ester & Avi Ofarim

Don't forget to visit
http://snugfans.blogspot.com/ for a run down of what really happened this show and see what the girls thought of it.

Also, Please tell your friends if you've enjoyed the show and spread the word.

Have a good week!

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