13 April 2006

April 13th - Show 101 - Podcast 14

The One with Pirate Dave

Pirate Dave is in the house!!

Your assignment for last week was to come up with things for ROOM 101. So what things did you hate? These were my arbitary categories to help focus my thinking...

Mafs 101 Categories
Fashion:- 'political correctness'
Company:- 'RIAA / MPAA'
Institution:- Organised Religion
TV Show:- Big Brother
Film:- Flight to hell
Actor:- ?
Actress:- ?
Song:- Rap
Band/Artist:- ?
Drink:- Southern Comfort
Food:- Offal (liver, haggis etc)
Group of people:- not covered
Technology:- not covered
Transport:- Miniscooters
Book:- ?
Country:- Iran

As you can see we had a long list, Pirate Dave brought us his list...and ran out of time... If you have your own list why not mail us it for a listener feedback section in a future show.

In The News (or 'stolen from Digg')
The Lego chocolate printer!! - http://www.instructables.com/ex/i/961360D260131028A786001143E7E506/

MusicIP - http://www.musicip.com/listener/products

By Golly!!! It's female stormtroopers - http://www.flickr.com/photos/spinfist/125253217/

The Power of Bartering...Man trades paperclip for year in phoenix, kinda - http://oneredpaperclip.blogspot.com/2006/04/one-year-in-phoenix.html

More ways to tie your shoes - http://www.fieggen.com/shoelace/knots.htm

Listener Feedback

This Is True
A police dispatcher in Enid, Okla., got a call from a cell phone. It was apparently an accidental call: the dispatcher could hear two men talking in the background. For more than three hours, the men talked -- about building and using a firebomb. Meanwhile, another dispatcher got an emergency call -- reporting a car that had been hit by a firebomb. A police officer found what he thought was the car being driven by the two men and honked his horn, and sure enough the dispatcher heard the horn. The cop pulled the car over and found the cell phone on the dashboard. Robert Allen Patterson, 24, and Johnny Ray Miller, 48, were charged with arson and conspiracy. "They didn't have a clue they had dialed the phone," Detective Mark Pettus said.

Tamara sings : Good Boy by Barenaked Ladies

Music tonight: Tom Jones' new single

Hari-karaoke: Should I stay or ShouldI Go by The Clash

Have a good week and see you next Show


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