16 March 2006

March 16th - Show 97 - Podcast 10

The One With Barry Arieff

A show that starts almost on time. Seems to throw some of the live listeners who appear a few minutes in...looks like we trained them with our usual tardiness.

During the last week The Snug has seen unprecedented snow for this area (and time of year) so it took over the first few minutes of the show with Maf telling us about his train trip (and rogue snowballers).

We swiftly (and smoothly) moved into a quick review of the new version of The Hills have eyes - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0454841/. As remakes go, this one should be pround as it's stuck to the original faithfully but turbo charged the gore and shocks. If you like your films bloody, this ones for you.

Digg (www.digg.com) has a lot to answer for again this show as we fill our 'in the news' segment from it, so...:

In The News:
Lego Instructions - http://www.hccamsterdam.nl/brickfactory/index.htm
First Broadband TV station - http://television.aol.com/in2tv
The Drug Trial gone wrong - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/4808836.stm
Man dates girl on net for 6 months then arranges a meet up - http://entertainment.tv.yahoo.com/news/wwn/20051209/113414040002.html

The Great Debate - The bacon sandwich
Last week David Lewis emailed UIncle Maf about the best way to produce bacon sandwiches. He has since provided some other options that we didn't mention such as: - pre-sliced or self-sliced, type of bread, brands of sauce, additions? etc! This could spiral out of control if we're not careful. Check out www.snugfans.blogspot.com for some more additions from our vegetarian fan base. Have we missed something? Do we need a spreadsheet poll-ie type thing?

Listener Feedback - Random mails to the Snug mailbox

From: Scaredy pants... E-Mail: *****
Comments: Dear Maf and Lee I've been to the site several t times since you've added the "soopa doopa" sound... It has made me jump several times! LOL It's kinda like the web pages that have the smiley ads that say "HELLO!!!!". Late at night both have made me jump out of my skin! lol Especially when I have my headphones on...

From: North American Blog "Babe" E-Mail: *****
Comments: Hey the snugfans blog has been updated...While in some ways it seems like a shopping list of what went on in the show, I did try to add my listener perspective. I was up late listening to the pod cast (after listening to the 2 hr show and snug 2, which rocked BTW) http://snugfans.blogspot.com/ Anyay have a peek...

This Is True
SMOKING IS DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH: Mike Hartnett, 36, of Omaha, Neb., had found a firework shell in his son's closet. He pulled it out to get rid of it when a hot ash fell from his cigarette and ignited the fuse. He told his son to run, but didn't drop the device. It exploded, blowing out the window and shredding his hands. "Some of my fingers were off, some were still hanging," Harnett said. Doctors considered removing both hands entirely, but a plastic surgeon managed to save two fingers on each hand. "He saved me," Hartnett said, and "gave me a fighting chance." And the lesson he learned? "I'd tell people to soak fireworks] in water and get rid of them as fast as you can." (Omaha World-Herald) ...Of the hundreds of thousands of people who will read this story, I'll bet more than 99 percent will see a far different lesson.

There's plenty more stuff going on this show, including a joke at the expense of a future guest star Rachel Arieff which ended up making into this weeks title.

Don't forget to do all those things a good listener should:
1. Tell your friends (more listeners please, live or podcast, either is fine with us)
2. Get on over to the Frappr Map www.frappr.com/thesnug - it's easy and free!!!
3. Mail the snug snugradio@yahoo.co.uk (why not mail us a sound file of yourself!)
4. Visit the forum...It's always very busy but you should have no trouble getting in. www.snugradio.co.uk
5. If you listen via Live365, try a podcast and vice versa! www.live365.com/stations/maf9000
6. Vote for us on www.podcastalley.com , Itunes, and Live365
7. Keep listening.

Have fun till next week


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